


Capilla Real I    

    Exhibition in Galería de Arte PROART, Granada (Spain). 
    "Paseos por Granada"
    From 18 October to 6 November  2002.

    Click the mouse on the thumbnails to see a larger image:
    Calle San Matías   Cuesta de los Chinos   Patio de los Leones III  Puerta del Vino  Capilla Real I  
    Patio de los Leones I   Detalle de la Iglesia de San Justo y Pastor   Torre de la Iglesia de Sta. Ana  Carmen de los Mártires-detalle  Calle Mirasol  Patio de los Leones IV

    No part of this website, including images and logos, may be reproduced 
    in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from 
    the author. 
  page created 20/09/2002
  last updated: 13/10/2002

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