
Jesús Rubio frente al Museo Guggenheim
 Jesús Rubio Cámara was born in Granada, Spain, (2-03-1957).

 A self-taught artist, he does not show his paintings to the public until 1991.

 In 1992, he became a member of the Agrupación de Acuarelistas de
 Andalucía (Andalusian Watercolourists Association), being elected
 representative of the association for Granada the following year.
 He has become Vice-president of the association since 1997.

 Main promoter of the Premio Andaluz de Acuarela "Duquesa de Alba" 
(Andalusian Watercolour Contests "Duquesa de Alba"), which has 
reached its fifth edition in 2002, he has also been a committee member 
in several watercolour contests, and chairman of the V Simposio de 
Acuarela held in the Alpujarra (Granada) in 1998. His paintings are 
part of private and institutional collections in Germany, 
Belgium, France and Spain.

 Premio Andaluz de Acuarela "Duquesa de Alba"
Jesús Rubio con la Duquesa de Alba


Cartel del Salón Internacional del Libro y la Prensa (Suiza 1994)


He has participated in 8 individual exhibitions and in several collective exhibitions, biennials and painting contests in Spain and Europe.

Go to Exhibitions

 His aim as an artist is to praise the value of watercolour as a technical
 resource in painting with the same importance of other better known
 painting techniques, and help to vanish away the stereotype of watercolours
 as a minor technique just useful to sketch bigger works that many have
 considered over time.
Hand manufacturing of paper for watercolours.
Fabricación artesanal de papel




page created 20/09/2002
last updated: 04/07/2004

Flyer for the Pequeños Formatos Exhibit


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